The Best Potato Salad

Dashi transforms potato salad into an all-new favorite. Good for lunch, dinner, and snacking. Choose all-purpose potatos such as Yukon Gold or high-starch potatos such as Russet and Idaho. Potato salad tastes delicious a day or two after it's made, so prepare an extra batch and store it in the refrigerator!


2 Servings


  1. Bring water in a pot to a boil and cook unpeeled for 30 minutes or until tender. Remove potatoes from water, drain, and peel while hot. Transfer potatoes to a bowl and mash lightly with a fork. While potatoes are still hot, add Kayanoya Original Vegetable Stock Powder and toss till well mixed.
  2. Cut onion and cucumber into thin slices. Add a little salt and toss well. Mix with potatos.
  3. Cut carrot into quarter moon disks. Bring water in small pot to a boil, add carrot and cook 30 seconds. Drain carrot pieces and mix with potatos. When vegetables are cool, mix ham and mayonnaise into potato salad and toss thoroughly. Serve at room temperature.

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